Prof. Dr. med. Lorenz Büchler

Leitender Arzt Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Team Hüft- und Beckenchirurgie

  • Schwerpunkte

    • Hüfterhaltende Chirurgie

    • Hüft-Prothetik

    • Revisionschirurgie

    • Traumatologie Hüfte, Oberschenkel und Becken



    • Schwerpunkt Spezialisierte Traumatologie

    • Facharzt FMH für Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates

    • Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Swedish Board of Welfare


    Tätigkeiten im KSA

    • Seit 2019 Leitender Arzt Hüft- Team


    Frühere Tätigkeiten

    • 2008-2013 Oberarzt, Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Inselspital Bern

    • 2013-2018 Chefarzt Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Spital Biel



    • 1998-1999 Dissertand, Physiologisches Institut, Universität Bern

    • 2000-2001 Assistenzarzt, Chirurgische Klinik, Spital Burgdorf

    • 2002-2003 Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Spital Biel

    • 2004-2006 Assistenzarzt, Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Inselspital Bern

    • 2006-2007 Fellowship in Traumatologie, Universitätsspital Göteborg, Schweden



    • Berufsverband Schweizer Ärzte (FMH)

    • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates, Expertengruppe Hüfte (SGOT) 

    • AO Trauma

    • Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie, Expertengruppe Hüfte (AGA)

    • International Society of Hip preservation Surgery (ISHA)


    Wissenschaftliche Aktivität




    Baader A, Büchler L, Bircher-Lehmann L, Kléber A: Real time, confocal imaging of Ca2+ waves in arterially perfused rat hearts.

    Cardiovascular Research (2002) 53(1):105-11


    Büchler L, Hosalkar H, Weber M: Arthroscopically assisted removal of intraosseous ganglion cysts of the distal tibia.

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2009) 467:2925-2931


    Büchler L, Tannast M, Bonel H, Weber M: Reliability of radiologic assessment of the fracture anatomy at the posterior tibial plafond in malleolar fractures.

    Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (2009) 23:208-212


    Keel MJ, Büchler L, Bastian JD, Siebenrock KA: Leistenschmerz beim Sportler: Differentialdiagnose und Diagnostik.

    Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie (2010) 58(1):6-9


    Bastian JD, Büchler L, Meyer DC, Siebenrock KA, Keel MJ: Surgical hip dislocation for osteochondral transplantation as a salvage procedure for a femoral head impaction fracture.

    Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (2010) 24,12, e113-e118


    Keel MJ, Bastian JD, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA: Surgical dislocation of the hip for a locked traumatic posterior dislocation with associated femoral neck and acetabular fractures.

    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br) (2010) 92(3):442-6


    Beck M, Büchler L: Prevalence and impact of pain at the greater trochanter after open surgery for the treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement.

    Journal of Bone Joint and Surgery (Am) (2011) 93 Suppl 2:66-9


    Kohl S, Hosalkar HS, Mainil-Varlet P, Krueger A, Buechler L, Siebenrock KA: Histology of damaged acetabular cartilage in symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement: an observational analysis.

    Hip International (2011) 5; 21(2):154-162


    Büchler L, Schaller C, Bastian J, Keel M, Siebenrock K: Symptomatic acetabular retroversion: Mean 10 year follow up after treatment with periacetabular osteotomy.

    Orthopaedic proceedings (2011) 93 (Supp_II)


    Keel MJ, Ecker TM, Cullmann J, Bergmann M, Bonel HM, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Bastian JD: The pararectus approach for anterior intrapelvic management of acetabular fractures: an anatomical study and clinical evaluation.

    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br) (2012) 94 405-11


    Tannast M, Pfannebecker P, Schwab JM, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA, Büchler L: Pelvic morphology differs in rotation and obliquity between developmental dysplasia of the hip and retroversion.

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012) 470,12:3297-3305


    Solomon LB, Guevara C, Büchler L, Howie DW, Byard RW, Beck M: Does bone wax induce a chronic inflammatory articular reaction?

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012) 470, 11:3207-12


    Weidner J, Büchler L, Beck M: Hip capsule dimensions in patients with femoroacetabular impingement: a pilot study.

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012) 470, 12:3306-3312


    Siebenrock KA, Kistler L, Schwab JM, Büchler L, Tannast M: The acetabular wall index for assessing anteroposterior femoral head coverage in symptomatic patients.

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2012) 470, 12:3355-60


    Büchler L, Beck M, Gollwitzer H, Katthagen BD, Zahedi AR: Gelenkerhaltende Hüftchirurgie im Erwachsenenalter, Beckenosteotomien.

    Der Orthopäde (2012) 41:925–936


    Büchler L, Neumann M, Schwab JM, Iselin L, Tannast M, Beck M: Arthroscopic versus open cam resection in the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement.

    Arthroscopy (2013) Apr;29(4):653-60


    Keel MJ, Bastian JD, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA: Anterior approaches to the acetabulum.

    Unfallchirurg (2013) 116(3):213-20


    Blazejak M, Hofmann-Fliri L, Büchler L, Gueorguiev B, Windolf M: In vitro temperature evaluation during cement augmentation of proximal humerus plate screw tips.

    Injury (2013) 44(10):1321-6


    Siebenrock KA, Schaller C, Tannast M, Keel M, Büchler L: Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy for symptomatic acetabular retroversion: Results at ten years.

    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am) (2014) 96(21):1785-1792


    Büchler L, Beck M: Periacetabular osteotomy: a review of Swiss experience.

    Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine (2014) 7(4):330-6


    Büchler L: Surgical dislocation, Ganz osteotomy and head reconstruction techniques. Journal of the Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology TOTBİD Dergisi (2015) 14:64–68


    Siebenrock KA, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Büchler L: Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular retroversion.

    The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Essential Surgical Techniques (2015) 5(1):e1


    Bastian JD, Ansorge A, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Benneker LM, Büchler L, Keel MJ: Anterior fixation of unstable pelvic ring fractures using the modified Stoppa approach: mid-term results are independent on patients’ age.

    European Journal Trauma and Emergency Surgery (2015) Oct 12;42(5): 645-650


    Ahmad SS, Albers CE, Büchler L, Kohl S, Ahmad SS, Klenke F, Siebenrock KA, Beck M: The Hundred Most Cited Publications in Orthopaedic Hip Research - A Bibliometric Analysis.

    Hip International (2016) Mar 23;26(2):199-208


    Büchler L, Regli D, Evangelopoulos DS, Bieri K, Ahmad SS, Kohl S: Functional recovery following primary ACL repair with Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization.

    Knee (2016) 23(3):549-53


    Büchler L, Schwab JM, Whitlock PW, Beck M, Tannast M: Intraoperative Evaluation of Acetabular Morphology in Hip Arthroscopy Comparing Standard Radiography Versus Fluoroscopy: A Cadaver Study.

    Arthroscopy (2016) 32 (6):1030-1037


    Haefeli PC, Albers EM, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Büchler L: What are the risk factors for revision surgery after hip arthroscopy for FAI at 7-year followup?

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2017) 475(4):1169-1177


    Plecko M, Büchler L: Zementaugmentation am proximalen Humerus

    OP-Journal (2017) 33(1):64-71


    Fickert S, Aurich M, Albercht D, Angele P, Büchler L, Dienst M, Erggelet C, Fritz J, Gebhart CH, Gollwitzer H, Kindler M, Lampert Ch, Madry H, Möckel G, Niemeyer Ph, Schröder J, Sobau Ch, Spahn G, Zinser W, Landgraeber S: Biologische Rekonstruktion lokalisiert vollschichtiger Knorpelschäden des Hüftgelenkes: Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft “Klinische Geweberegeneration” der DGOU und des Hüftkomitees der AGAV.

    Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (2017) 155(06): 670-682


    Anwander H, Beck M, Büchler L: Influence of Evolution on Cam Deformity and Its Impact on Biomechanics of the Human Hip Joint.

    Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2018) August: 2071-2075


    Haefeli PC, Tannast M, Beck M, Siebenrock KA, Büchler L: Subchondral Drilling for Chondral Flaps Reduces the Risk of THA in Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery at minimum 5-Years Followup.

    Hip International (2019) 29(2) 191-197


    Haefeli PC, Schmaranzer F, Steppacher SD, Cullmann-Bastian J, Tannast M, Büchler L: Imaging Appearance and Distribution of Intra-articular Adhesions Following Open FAI Surgery.

    European Journal of Radiology (2018) Jul; 104:71-78


    Büchler L: Gute und schlechte Indikationen für die Hüftarthroskopie.

    Arthroskopie (2018) 31:318-325


    Büchler L, Dienst M: Operative treatment of FAI: When arthroscopically- when open?

    Newsletter International Society of hip preservation Surgery (ISHA), (2018)


    Gatzka CH, Tesch C, Büchler L: Wenn die Leiste zwickt und es doch keine Hernie ist.

    Hamburger Ärzteblatt (2019): 5


    Kreiss L, Hohmann M, Klämpfl F, Schürmann S, Dehghani F, Friedrich O, Schmidt M, Büchler L: Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and raman spectroscopy for label-free molecular characterization and automated detection of human cartilage and subchondral bone.

    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2019) 301


    Büchler L, Gatzka C, Kalchschmidt K, Siebenrock KA: Azetabuläre Umstellungsosteotomie im Erwachsenenalter.

    Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date (2019) 14 (5): 479–492


    Gatzka C, Büchler L: Wann Gelenkerhalt, wann Gelenkersatz in der Hüftchirurgie- Wie kann ich entscheiden?

    Infobrief BVOU (2020) 3


    Gatzka C, Krüger J, Büchler L, Chiari C, Fickert S, Gollwitzer H, Schröder J, Meiners U: Das Femoroacetabuläre Impingement als relevante Differentialdiagnose zur Leistenhernie.sion Chirurgie. 2020 September, 10(09/III)

    Passion Chirurgie (2020) 10(09/III)


    Schmaranzer F, Haefeli PC, Liechti EF, Hanke MS, Tannast M, Büchler L: Improved Cartilage Quality on Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI of Hip Cartilage after Subchondral Drilling of Acetabular Cartilage Flaps in Femoroacetabular Impingement Surgery at minimum 5 Year Follow-up

    Cartilage 2021, 13(1_suppl):617s-629s


    Büchler L, Grob V, Lerch TD, Anwander H, Lerch TD, Haefeli PC: Good Outcome Scores and Low Conversion Rate to THA 10 Years After Hip Arthroscopy for the Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement.

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (2021) 479:2256-2264


    Jonczy ML, Weber V, Büchler L, Thalhammer C, Isaak A: Bursitis iliopectinea- seltene Differenzialdiagnose bei Leistenschmerz und venöser Stauung.

    Swiss Medical Forum 2021/00


    Leibold CS, Vuillemin V, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA, Steppacher SD: Surgical Hip Dislocation with relative femoral neck lengthening and retinacular soft-tissue flap for sequela of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.

    Oper Orthop Traumatol (2022) 34:352-360


    Vuillemin N, Büchler L, Steppacher SD, Meier MK: Prävalenz, Biomechanik und Diagnostik femoraler Achs- und Torsionsfehler

    Arthroskopie 35:48-54; 2022


    Vuillemin N, Steppacher SD, Meier MK, Büchler L: Therapieentscheidung bei Kombinationspathologien Dysplasie, FAI, Fehlrotation: Wann und wieviel sollte korrigiert werden?

    Orthopädie 51:438-449; 2022




    Beck M, Büchler L, Leunig M: Anatomy of the proximal femur.

    Callaghan JJ, Rosenberg G (editors): The Adult Hip. Volume 3: Hip Preservation Surgery. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2014


    Büchler L, Lerch T: Kapitel 3-D Rekonstruktion des Hüftgelenkes.

    Themenheft Diagnostik des Hüftgelenkes. AGA 2017


    Büchler L: Open or arthroscopic treatment of SCFE

    ICL Book. Annual Meeting International Society of hip preservation Surgery (ISHA) 2017


    Büchler L, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA, Schwab JM: Biomechanics of the hip.

    Egol KA, Leucht P (editors): Proximal Femur Fractures: An Evidence-Based Approach to Evaluation and Management. Springer 2018


    Tannast M, Lerch T, Schmaranzer F, Kohlhof H, Büchler L, Steppacher S: Zugänge- Arthroskopie des Hüftgelenkes.

    Wirtz DC, Stöckle U (editors): Expertise Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie: Hüfte. Thieme 2018


    Büchler L: CAM Impingement

    Sobau S, Möckel G, Gollwitzer H(editors): Hüftarthroskopie. Praxisbuch für die gelenkerhaltende Chirurgie. Thieme 2018


    Büchler L, Steppacher S.D., Siebenrock KA: Surgical hip dislocation for FAI in athletes. pp 107-119

    Safran M, Karahan M (editors): Hip and groin pain in the athlete. Springer 2019


    Büchler L, Anwander H: Ilioinguinal approach

    Büchler L, Keel MB (editors): Fracture management Joint by Joint: Fractures of the Hip. Springer 2019


    Rickman M, Büchler L: Traumatic hip dislocations

    Büchler L, Keel MB (editors): Fracture management Joint by Joint: Fractures of the Hip. Springer 2019


    Büchler L, Beck M: Surgical dislocation for femoral head fractures

    AO-Trauma Webcast, Luzern 2019


    Büchler L, Siebenrock K.A.: Periazetabuläre Beckenosteotomie

    Günther KP, Schaser KD (editors): Hüfte Meistertechniken in der operativen Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Springer 2021


    Editierte Büchler

    Fracture management Joint by Joint: Fractures of the Hip.

    Büchler L / Keel MB (editors): Springer 2019



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