# In the event that you have discovered a technical vulnerability in the IT system of Kantonsspital Aarau AG Group, # we encourage you to report it to our Security-Teams. # General Data Protection Contact: datenschutz@ksa.ch # Information Security (24/7) - Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Contact: servicedesk@ksa.ch # Safety of medical products and pharmaceuticals Contact: https://www.ksa.ch/de/kantonsspital-aarau/aufenthalt-und-besuch/kontakt/kontakt-medizinproduktesicherheit/medizinproduktesicherheit Expires: 2027-12-31T23:59:59.000Z Preferred-Languages: en, de, fr, it Canonical: https://www.ksa.ch/.well-known/security.txt Policy: https://www.ksa.ch/de/allgemeine-seiten/datenschutz